Support Good Design
The Annual Student Light Fixture Design Competition is administered by the Robert Bruce Thompson Charitable Trust, a 501c non-profit private foundation. The trust was established by Bruce’s estate when he passed away in 1999. Bruce believed passionately in the importance of design education and the value of intellectual property.
Bruce endowed the trust so that it has the ability to give awards to students to encourage the study of light fixture design. The Trust would like to see the awards grow over time and to make that happen we need your support. By contributing to the Trust you will help grow the endowment at the same time you support design education in our schools and help students with the ever-increasing cost of education.
How To Contribute
Send your tax-deductible contribution to:
Care of: Patricia Glasow
Apeiro Design
1045 Sansome Street, Suite 300
San Francisco, California 94111
For tax purposes, all donations of $250 or more will be acknowledged by letter. For other donations, your cancelled check is your record of having contributed.
The Trustees
Patricia Glasow
Apeiro Design
Naomi Miller
Senior Lighting Engineer
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Randy Borden
Borden Lighting