2022 Design Problem
You have been hired by a major supermarket chain to design a light fixture for the produce section of the store. Specifically, the client wants to easily identify this area through the appearance of the luminaire and make the produce look great. Consider how food and people will look under the lighting and how the lighting will enhance the shopping experience and product selection. Determining the architectural design of the produce area is up to you. The ceiling height in the produce department is 15’.
Your light fixture design will be rolled out to over 1,300 stores in the United States, so everything about the cost of this light fixture is pertinent: manufacturing, materials, energy efficiency, durability, maintenance, even shipping. The life of this fixture should be considered from cradle to grave. Describe how the light fixture is controlled, and how it directs its light to highlight the merchandise and control glare for shoppers. Identify all major components and materials of the fixture. Document the fixture as instructed under the Competition Rules.
First Place & Citation for Presentation
Derel Shell, Industrial Design, Purdue University
Second Place
Hanna Bautista, Interior Design, Anderson University
Second Place
Victor Velasquez, Interior Design, University of Texas at Arlington
Citation for Inovative Concept
Yujie Zhou, Interior Design, University of Texas at Arlington
Citation for Presentation
Suva Mendoza, Interior Design, Miami University